This Newport Vikings consists of volunteers who strive to provide a safe, healthy and fun environment for children who are interested in playing football and cheerleading. To become a board member one must attend a regularly scheduled board meeting and present oneself as an interested party, or one may be nominated by an eligible board member.
Eligibility is simple. If you present with good moral character, willingness to assist in the duties, responsibilities and goals of NVYFCA, we would love you to join us!
Our requirements are simple. All NVYFCA board members are required to abide by all ECYFL bylaws and rules. Members are expected to behave in a respectful, honest and adult manner. Any actions taken by an Executive Officer, Officer or Board Member that are deemed to be destructive to NVYFCA, will result in removal from the Association. Members are required to attend regularly scheduled Board meetings.
We know that you have lives outside of the Vikings, so for an absence to be excused, a member must notify a member of the Executive Board (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Football Coordinator, or Cheerleading Coordinator) in writing (via email, text, etc.) that they will be absent. Unexcused Absences are absences where you simply not attend or notify the board through the appropriate notification above.
Upon missing two (2) consecutive unexcused regularly scheduled meetings, a member forfeits the right to vote and must regain voting privileges by attending 3 consecutive regular meetings. [attend 2 and then one may vote at the third meeting]
After 12 months of unexcused inactivity, the board will consider that the member has voluntarily removed themselves from the board.
NVYFCA members are placed on committee and are expected to assist in the duties of those committees. All board members must agree to assist in the betterment of NVYFCA.